
2013/07/13_14 北軽井沢サンランドオートキャンプ場-2 Kitakaruizawa Sunland Auto Camp site 13/07/2013_14 -2


This post is a continuation of  Sunland Camping. After we had our lunch, we went to a walk with Moku. It's better to do some exercise for our health and make some beer tasty.


It looks they running very fast, but actually,  the camera was shaken. They just strolled.


The sign is so short.  I wonder the ground level has been changed, or someone make the pole shorter.


They have summer houses there and managed by the same office of Camping site.


Moku waiting Mokumum there. He doesn't care about me.


Next morning, our tent and tarp got much sunshine there. So, we took our table and chair to the opposite side and had breakfast. It got some shade.


It looks very far from  our tent. The other day, we got a tool for bread, but it took time to toast and we ate them when the bread was just warmed.


I used big area to strike our camp, because nobody there. When the time getting closer to noon, it's getting hotter. So, we decided to leaver in the morning.


The camping site is a good place, but not many people know about. Just, it's better to have some  plaything for kids, because they don't have river very close.


The outside temperature was 24.5 degree Celsius. It's much cooler then Turugashima. We had over 40 degree Celsius there. By the way, the speedometer has 240km, but we don't need.


We dropped by Asamabokujo, because we left in the morning.


Went for a walk again.  I only have some bad habits such as stay late at night, overeat and overdrink, but the camping makes me little healthier.


Moku wants to be  in Mokumum's arms. The movie is HERE. The photo was screen capture of the movie, but the quality looks not bad.


I am not sure the name of mountains, but the scenery was fantastic.

この間、仕事帰りに牛乳と塩昆布を頼まれましたが、しそ昆布を買って帰りました。 おこられました。

The other day, Mokumum asked me to buy a carton of milk and Shiokonbu, but I've got Shisokonbu. Mokumum said that's not she wants.



Yesterday, I went to my favourite grocery shop, I've got sushi, sashimi and asari clam and they all had red half price tags. Red half price tags are very tempting, but my shopping basket becomes all red and little embarrassing when I came to the checkout counter.


I don't know the name of this flower. After I started to use digital cameras, don't care what to shoot and how many photos I take. When I used film cameras, my sisters son played with a film camera and took useless photos such as clothes hanging for drying and surprised when developed the film.


We had our lunch at this noodle shop at Asamabokujo.


Outside tables are OK for with dogs, just we don't like some guys smoking. The photo has 4 tomatoes, because I put mine. I asked them to make my soup spicy, but it was not so hot.

Moku really wants some foods.


Some people said that Moku is very cute and took some photos. One of them said that wants to post on a blog, but I cannot find the blog.


We were heading to the entrance of express way and opposite side of the road was huge traffic jam. It looks continued forever from the exit of the express way to Kitakaruizawa.


These days, we very often go to camping and will go again soon, but don't want to be in the big traffic jam like that.

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